News — Muscle aches & pain


Amazing Brain Foods Outwit Old Age

Scientists may never discover an anti-aging pill, but you can keep your brain young and your memory sharp by eating any number of convenient and delicious foods. No drug side effects, just balanced nutrition — what could be better or simpler?

Zesty Spices Balance Blood Sugar

Spices do more than season your food. They contain potent compounds that can treat disease. Scientists are currently studying these three spices for their power to battle diabetes.

Turn Back the Clock on Aging Bones

A secret ingredient in peanuts and red grapes could be your ticket to stronger, more youthful bones. This incredible compound may help you avoid fractures so you can lead the life you want. Grape skins, grapes, peanuts, and red wine all contain resveratrol, a phytonutrient already famous for its ability to protect your heart. 

Conquer 6 ailments with this one wonder spice!

It’s peppery and a little sweet. It’s fragrant and it’s spicy. It’s also gnarly and bumpy. But the root of the ginger plant adds such a special flavor to stir-fries, fruits, and vegetables, no one cares what it looks like. Add in the proven health benefits of this wonder spice  and you've hit a homerun!