News — Smart Money


Start the New Year Off Organized!

Does your filing cabinet look like a pack rat has turned it into his home sweet home? Unravel the rat’s nest and make sense out of all the confusion by following these tips to organize your important records the easy way. Send that rat packing, once and for all.

6 Ways to Freshen Up Your Finances This New Year

Do money problems have you stressed out? You’re not alone. Nearly three out of four Americans say their finances cause them stress at least once a month. Stop the money madness.

3 Ways to Make Some of Your Property Taxes Disappear

Did you know you can eliminate some of your property taxes? It’s true. Certain government programs help senior citizens face down this bill. Here’s how to get in on the deal.


4 Fixes to Boost Your Credit Score Over the Long Haul

Don’t be late for your very important dates. Paying all of your bills on time is essential to a good credit score.

Get Your Meds Filled for Free to Keep Cash in Your Pocket

More than half of seniors take at least four medications every day. Those costs can really add up. But believe it or not, you can get free prescription drugs. You just need to know where to look.