News — baking soda


The Cleaning Power of Lemonade, Vinegar, and Baking Soda

Your dishwasher does a lot of dirty work for you. But sometimes the dishwasher itself develops stains and smells.  We’ve found the perfect trio to clean and deodorize your hard-working appliance.

Breathe Better Air At Home

Commercial air fresheners smell great at first.  But what they’re really doing is releasing chemicals and other unwanted substances into your home.  Use these tips to keep your rooms fresh and healthy — no harsh chemicals required!

5 Ways to Use Vinegar for Common Household Problems

Vinegar can work miracles for your health … but it can also work miracles around the house! The best part is, it can replace some of the dangerous chemicals you may have in your cabinets.

5 Non-Toxic, DIY Household Cleaners

We all love a clean, fresh-smelling home. But, nobody loves toxic, harsh, chemicals that can leave you with burning nostrils or a headache after you clean! Check out these 2 all-natural, do-it-yourself cleaners!