News — Diabetes & High Blood Pressure


Lower blood sugar with blueberries

Long after Fats Domino found his thrill on Blueberry Hill, researchers have found some thrilling news about blueberries. These tiny berries may...

Lower blood pressure and cholesterol with everyday fruit

Grapes are a handy, lip-smacking snack you can buy pretty much year-round. And you’ll want to do just that, not only for their mouth appeal, but because adding them to your diet can help you lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Hiatal hernia — How to handle the hidden cause of heartburn

You have a 60-percent chance of having a hiatal hernia if you’re over age 60. The good news is, even if you have a hiatal hernia — no matter what your age — it’s probably not a problem. You may not even know you have one. That’s because most hiatal hernias are small and don’t cause any symptoms. 

Inulin — super nutrient against diabetes

There’s a new kind of fiber in town, and its name is inulin. Actually, it’s not new at all — it’s been a nutritional ingredient in your onions and garlic forever. But inulin is getting new respect for what it can do.

5 natural ways to beat diabetes

The best way to control your diabetes is to become more active in managing the disease. Talk with your doctor about an exercise and diet plan, and then ask about these five natural remedies that just might make life a little easier.