News — Brain & Memory


Your Delicious, Daily, Fat-Busting Breakfast!

Not everything that tastes good is bad for you! Try this breakfast to not only lose belly fat, but boost your brain, too!

Never Forget Another Name!

You know their face, their name is on the tip of your tongue, but it just won’t come to you. How embarrassing! Next time, just use these steps created by a USA memory champion. You’ll never forget a name again! Click “Read More” to learn the process.

7 Habits of People with the Sharpest Memories!

Australian researchers gave extensive memory tests to 29,500 people and also recorded their habits and daily diet. The research revealed the 7 habits of people with the sharpest memories. Click “Read More” to see what they discovered!

Perk Up Your Day ... and Your Mind!

Drinking this popular beverage every day could make you 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or other dementias in your later years.

6 Techniques to Sharpen Your Recall

You can train your brain to remember information more easily. Try these sure-fire tips for perfect name recall!