Eating Apples Every Day Keeps Strokes Away!

A Dutch study has discovered eating fruits and vegetables with white flesh helped lower the risk of having a stroke! Click “Read More” to discover the science behind how apples and pears are 2 of the best foods to lower your stroke risk!
- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: antioxidants fiber-rich foods fruit remedies stroke fighters veggie remedies white flesh fruit
Your Delicious, Daily, Fat-Busting Breakfast!

Not everything that tastes good is bad for you! Try this breakfast to not only lose belly fat, but boost your brain, too!
- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Brain & Memory brain food Brain Health fiber-rich foods Fresh Fruit healthy breakfast healthy diet healthy eating
The Essential Nutrient That Ignites Your Health and Well-Being!

- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: blood sugar diabetes fiber fiber-rich foods healthy diet oatmeal weight management