Dehydration Danger: Spot the Warning Signs to Stay Hydrated and Healthy This Spring!

Dehydration can sneak up on you and be dangerous, especially as you age. Learn the warning signs and how to stay hydrated this spring by clicking “Read More’.
- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Active Aging Dehydration Health & Healing healthy brain healthy diet Healthy Habits Healthy Living healthy tips
Stay Warm and Stylish with These Scarf Tying Tips!

- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: accessories Active Aging beauty secrets fashion
Use Your Pillow to Prevent Pain!

Sleeping the wrong way can make your pain worse! Try these tips and learn how to position your pillow to prevent back and neck pain.
- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Active Aging back pain neck pain pain relief Pain Relief Rub sleeping problems
Treat Your Sprains with the ABCs!

It’s true! Check out this simple sprain treatment suggested by Dr. James Garrick!
- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Active Aging foot care Pain Relief Rub Smart Living sprains strains
Do You Believe in the Healing Power of Prayer? Science Does!

- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Active Aging anxiety faith Healthy Habits Healthy Heart Healthy Living heart health mental health spirituality stress relief