News — Household Tips


Sip from the holy grail of stress-reducing herbs

The Kitchen Table Book 2You can’t get rid of every stressful situation in your life. But you can give your body the extra boost it needs to face hard times head-on — like a cup of holy basil tea.

Guard these 2 pieces of information at all costs

Today, nearly 2 out of 3 Americans over 65 are internet users, according to a Pew Research Center survey. And, like most Americans, they fail to take the safety measures necessary to protect their online data.

3 Things Your Tax Preparer Wants You to Know

Form 1040. The federal government first released this infamous income tax document in 1914. Back then, it came with just a single page of instructions. Americans today need a 117-page booklet to make sense of the tax code.

Toss, Freeze, or Trash? How to Know When to Let it Go

The eternal dilemma — should you toss that bottle, can, or package that’s been in the drawer for who knows how long? You’d like to trust the expiration date, but these can be alarmingly inaccurate — more like guidelines, really. Understanding date stamps can sometimes mean the difference between sickness and health. 

Start the New Year Off Organized!

Does your filing cabinet look like a pack rat has turned it into his home sweet home? Unravel the rat’s nest and make sense out of all the confusion by following these tips to organize your important records the easy way. Send that rat packing, once and for all.