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- FC&A Staff Writer
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3 Ways to Save Money Without Even Trying!

- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: discount groceries saving money Seniors
Take a Bite Out of Dental Costs

Take a seat in the classroom.
Most schools accredited by the American Dental Association have clinics where closely supervised students provide care at reduced costs. It’s a win-win situation, as the students gain valuable experience and you get a discount.- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Dental Discount Household Tips Money Management Money-Saving Secrets Smart Living Smart Money
Shopping Secrets: 3 Super-Easy Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half

Check out the competition and save 18%. At least 2 out of 3 Americans search for food deals in more than one store. Are you one of them? Shopping around gives you great savings options.
- FC&A Staff Writer
- Tags: Discount Health & Healing Healthy Living Healthy Shopping & Cooking Money Management Money-Saving Secrets Smart Living Smart Money