News — Cancer


3 Juicy Fruits that Lower Your Chances for Cancer

Sweet, juicy fruits are plentiful in the summer, but three, in particular, can help protect you from life-threatening cancer. 

Harness the Power of “Good” Fat for Your Good Health

Not all fat is bad. In fact, the type of fat known as omega-3 is essential to good health. It’s good for your brain, your nervous system, and it fights inflammation — which makes it perfect for easing the pain of arthritis.


Treat Your Heart to the Awesome Perks of Chickpeas

It’s mind boggling how one humble legume can do so much for your heart. But that’s what chickpeas do — they fend off heart disease and serious conditions that trigger heart disease like obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Protect your heart with a hummus recipe you and your family will fall in love with.

Turn Back the Clock on Aging Bones

A secret ingredient in peanuts and red grapes could be your ticket to stronger, more youthful bones. This incredible compound may help you avoid fractures so you can lead the life you want. Grape skins, grapes, peanuts, and red wine all contain resveratrol, a phytonutrient already famous for its ability to protect your heart. 

Energize Your Brain with Breakfast

Start your day the right way — with a healthy breakfast. This important meal can fight fatigue and stress, brighten your mood, and sharpen your focus and concentration. Go from exhausted to exhilarated with these tips for beating fatigue. If you always feel tired, don’t miss breakfast. Just follow these six tips for morning meals that make you merry.