News — Muscles & Sprains


5 Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain!

When you pair these 5 tips with Frank K. Wood’s Pain Relief Rubâ, you’ll be singing sweet sighs of relief!

Stay Active, Stay Happy Into the New Year

Welcome to 2021! It's a new year full of new possibilities. Now that the holiday hustle and bustle is over, stay active and improve your health as you head into the new year with these exercises and activities to keep you moving and feeling great.

Squash Pain with This Delicious Ancient Wonder

“Why do you build me up, butternut baby, when I feel run-down ...” Maybe that’s not exactly how the song goes, but butternut squash can help build up your health because it’s chock full of powerful nutrients.

The Secret’s in the Cream!

Revolutionary cream base delivers natural pain relievers right to the source.

What makes Frank K. Wood's Pain Relief Rub® so effective? It’s not just that it’s chock full of skin-loving ingredients!

Turn Back the Clock on Aging Bones

A secret ingredient in peanuts and red grapes could be your ticket to stronger, more youthful bones. This incredible compound may help you avoid fractures so you can lead the life you want. Grape skins, grapes, peanuts, and red wine all contain resveratrol, a phytonutrient already famous for its ability to protect your heart.