News — Arthritis


5 Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain!

When you pair these 5 tips with Frank K. Wood’s Pain Relief Rubâ, you’ll be singing sweet sighs of relief!

4 Tasty Ways to Tame Inflammation

Inflammation in your joints can trigger painful rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. But, research suggests you can relieve your symptoms by eating these delicious inflammation-fighters hiding in your kitchen.

Go With The Flow!

Improve your sleep, your energy, your mood, and your memory — in just 11 minutes. So simple, anyone can do it!

Could eating out be harming your blood pressure?

Who doesn’t love going out to eat? Unfortunately, we change our habits when we leave the house, and it can have a bad effect on our health.

What drug companies don't want you to know!

Simple Home Remedies for SeniorsYou don't need pain pills! Sometimes, they can do more harm than good, and the side effects an be worse than the pain you were trying to relieve.