News — Skin Hair & Nails


Amazing Brain Foods Outwit Old Age

Scientists may never discover an anti-aging pill, but you can keep your brain young and your memory sharp by eating any number of convenient and delicious foods. No drug side effects, just balanced nutrition — what could be better or simpler?

Harness the Power of “Good” Fat for Your Good Health

Not all fat is bad. In fact, the type of fat known as omega-3 is essential to good health. It’s good for your brain, your nervous system, and it fights inflammation — which makes it perfect for easing the pain of arthritis.


Four Foods That Slow Aging!

Decades of studies from around the world have shown that the folks who eat lots of these 4 specific foods live the longest, and stay in the best health.  We name these Fantastic 4, and we reveal how often you should be eating them!

Energize Your Brain with Breakfast

Start your day the right way — with a healthy breakfast. This important meal can fight fatigue and stress, brighten your mood, and sharpen your focus and concentration. Go from exhausted to exhilarated with these tips for beating fatigue. If you always feel tired, don’t miss breakfast. Just follow these six tips for morning meals that make you merry.

What You Can Do for Ageless Skin

Your skin acts as your first line of defense.  Keep your skin looking soft and ageless with these natural secrets.