News — Diabetes & High Blood Pressure


November is National Diabetes Month

For more than four decades, November has been a time to raise awareness of diabetes.  It’s a common condition that causes elevated glucose levels in the body.

A smart strategy to lower blood sugar ... naturally!

It's no uncommon for people with diabetes to suffer from a magnesium deficiency. In fact, a lack of magnesium can increase insulin resistance and worsen high blood sugar.


Go nuts over these good-for-you dishes

Sink your teeth into these delicious dishes topped with almonds, pecans, walnuts, or pistachios. These wholesome treats maintain blood sugar levels thanks to their protein and fiber content and healthy nutrients, say experts. Pair them with other savory foods that battle diabetes, and you’ve got several mouthwatering combos.

Cool down diabetes with chili peppers

The Kitchen Table BookSpicing your life up with hot chili peppers, cayenne, and other capsaicin-containing seasonings can help turn the tables on diabetes. There’s new evidence showing capsaicin makes your cells more sensitive to insulin and improves the balance between blood sugar and insulin in your body.