News — Immunity & Infections


Don't Let Seasonal Ailments Ruin Your Holidays

Use these natural and safe remedies to get you back on your feet fast!

Squash Pain with This Delicious Ancient Wonder

“Why do you build me up, butternut baby, when I feel run-down ...” Maybe that’s not exactly how the song goes, but butternut squash can help build up your health because it’s chock full of powerful nutrients.

3 Savory Soups that Knock Out Colds

Chicken soup is good for the soul — and a cold. Just make sure you use the thighs for the most cold-clobbering benefit. They’re loaded with zinc, a natural antibiotic that helps fight infections.

Amazing Brain Foods Outwit Old Age

Scientists may never discover an anti-aging pill, but you can keep your brain young and your memory sharp by eating any number of convenient and delicious foods. No drug side effects, just balanced nutrition — what could be better or simpler?

Zesty Spices Balance Blood Sugar

Spices do more than season your food. They contain potent compounds that can treat disease. Scientists are currently studying these three spices for their power to battle diabetes.