News — Health & Healing


5 Fabulous Fat Facts You Need to Know

Fat is not just the jiggly stuff around your belly and thighs. It’s a nutrient every person needs to stay healthy. Surprised? Most people are, considering “fat” is like a four-letter word today. But as you learn more about nutrition, you’ll realize fat is something you can’t live without.

Good Health Begins with Probiotics

Your digestive system is home to an abundance of bacteria that help it work properly. They help you digest, absorb, and metabolize all kinds of nutrients and other substances. When you don’t have enough good bacteria here you can often feel it, in the form of constipation, gas, diarrhea, or various infections.

6 Surprisingly Tasty Sources of Fiber

If you think fiber tastes like cardboard, you’re in for a surprise. These treats will tickle your taste buds while serving up a healthy dose of fiber.

The Prostate Protection Plan: Get a Move On

It’s no revelation that the more active you are, the better off you are in terms of many aspects of life — your heart health, your longevity, your physical appearance, and your happiness. What you don’t hear much about is how important exercise is to your prostate.

Squash Pain with This Delicious Ancient Wonder

“Why do you build me up, butternut baby, when I feel run-down ...” Maybe that’s not exactly how the song goes, but butternut squash can help build up your health because it’s chock full of powerful nutrients.