

Fall Gardening Tasks

Fall is quickly approaching. Here’s everything you need to do to keep your garden in tip-top shape throughout the months of September, October, and November.

The Perfect Food to Soothe Your Stomach

Bananas are one of the most important food crops in the world. They have no fat, cholesterol, or sodium. And this popular snack is full of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, folate, potassium, and complex carbohydrates. Best of all, it’s an all-natural remedy for all kinds of stomach troubles.

Say Goodbye to GERD!

Everyone suffers from acid reflux once in a while. It’s completely normal. But if you have frequent acid reflux along with severe heartburn, you could be suffering from GERD!

Friendly Bacteria to the Rescue

Your digestive system is home to billions of bacteria. Most of them are harmless, and many actually keep you healthy. These good guys are known as probiotics, and you need them to digest food, fight off illness, and maintain a healthy gut

Get wise to the latest Medicare scam!

Scammers are always with us, it seems. Here’s how to spot a con artist before he can talk you into buying health insurance you don’t need!