3 Fabulous Fat-Burning Foods Just in Time for Swimsuit Season
Swimsuit season is just around the corner, and if you're looking to burn some extra fat, spice things up in the kitchen with these three fiery foods!
1. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne powder does more than heat up your food—it helps you burn fat and calories! Adding just half a teaspoon to your tomato soup can rev up your metabolism, burn more calories, and curb cravings for salty and sugary foods. Purdue University researchers even suggest cayenne helps destroy fat, but skip the capsules; mixing it into your food works best. Try it in stews, sauces, or cornbread.
2. Hot Sauce
Hot sauce, especially the kind made with chili peppers, is packed with capsaicin, a compound that boosts fat burning. It may help you feel fuller, prevent overeating, and even reduce post-dinner cravings. Just be mindful to stick with healthier options like Tabasco instead of sugary sriracha.
3. Chili Peppers
For an extra fat-fighting punch, chop up fresh chili peppers and add them to sandwiches, stir-fries, or your favorite Mexican dishes. Capsaicin in these peppers triggers fat-fighting proteins, helping you fight off weight gain.
Start adding these spicy ingredients to your meals and watch those extra pounds burn away! For more ways to burn belly fat, check out Grandma's Miracle Food Fixes!
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