Profile Pointers: Make It Easy for Friends to Find You



Make it easy for your friends and family to find you on Skype by personalizing your profile.

Add your smiling face to your profile. Your profile photo will appear publicly to anyone who uses Skype. When you add a picture, that helps your contacts recognize you, especially when they’re trying to connect for the first time.

Your profile photo also helps contacts know it’s you when you call them. And if it’s an audio group call, they can see your picture when you talk.

 Show contacts when you’re available. In the upper left of the Skype window is your profile photo and a little colored dot that shows whether you’re available to take a call. If you make it a point to change that icon regularly, it’s a great way to show when you are or aren’t free to talk.

The availability icon offers three settings — Active, Do Not Disturb, and Invisible.

To learn what each availability icon means, and how to update it, turn to page 100 in Explaining Computers in Plain English for Seniors: Secrets to Understanding Online Security, the Cloud, Apps, Streaming, Google®, and More.




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