“Berry” Good for Your Skin!



Wrinkles, age spots, skin blemishes? Forget expensive creams—your skin’s best friend might already be sitting in your fridge. Keep your complexion youthful and radiant with the power of vitamin C.

This antioxidant powerhouse plays a crucial role in promoting collagen production, helping your skin stay firm and smooth while protecting against sun damage. Plus, it may even help guard against diseases like cancer and heart disease. Talk about double-duty benefits!

Since your body can't produce vitamin C on its own, it's essential to get this vital nutrient from your diet. Lucky for you, vitamin C is packed into so many delicious foods, especially berries! Strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are all loaded with this skin-loving vitamin. In fact, just one cup of strawberries gives you about 85 mg of vitamin C — more than enough to meet your daily needs.

Want even more ways to nourish your skin naturally? Check out What Every Senior Should Eat 2 for more skin-boosting tips and healthy food ideas!


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