Mop Up Microwave Messes in Minutes



Cleaning your microwave can be just as quick and easy as cooking in it when you know these tips …

  • Put a mixture of water and vinegar in a bowl and zap it for a few minutes. Leave the door shut for around 15 minutes. When you open it up, you should be able to wipe away the mess with little-to-know elbow grease!
  • You can deodorize while you clean by adding lemon slices, lime slices, or even a tablespoon of vanilla extract. As the water boils, the scents will penetrate your microwave and get rid of any pesky odors.
  • If there are stubborn messes that water won’t get, scrape off the crud with a credit card. Don’t use anything too sharp, like a razor, or you could scratch the walls of your microwave.

For more cleaning tips just like these, grab your copy of Save It, Fix It, Keep It, Use It: 1,437 Surprising Ways to Save Cash with Items You Already Have.


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