

Best-ever home remedies for a clogged drain

Clear a clogged drain like a pro with this three-ingredient drain opener. It’s natural, safe, and won’t damage your pipes. 

Dark-roasted decaf coffee eases heartburn

You enjoy drinking coffee, but not the heartburn that follows. Switching to a dark-roasted coffee could help. Researchers discovered that dark-roasted coffee contains a compound that helps reduce stomach acid. Called N-methylpyridinium (NMP), this compound is generated only with roasting. So dark-roasted coffee contains more of it — up to twice as much as light-roasted varieties. 

Lower blood pressure and cholesterol with everyday fruit

Grapes are a handy, lip-smacking snack you can buy pretty much year-round. And you’ll want to do just that, not only for their mouth appeal, but because adding them to your diet can help you lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

5 foods that keep blood pressure down

Your life may depend on your blood pressure. Hypertension — high blood pressure (HPB) — hits around 50 million people in the United States and a billion worldwide. It can trigger coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease. HPB causes two-thirds of the strokes, almost half of all heart attacks, and is the biggest risk factor for death in the world.

Hiatal hernia — How to handle the hidden cause of heartburn

You have a 60-percent chance of having a hiatal hernia if you’re over age 60. The good news is, even if you have a hiatal hernia — no matter what your age — it’s probably not a problem. You may not even know you have one. That’s because most hiatal hernias are small and don’t cause any symptoms.