A “Berry” Tasty, Healthy Treat!



Giving up dessert might sound like a good idea… until the ice cream and brownies start calling your name. But skipping those sweets isn’t just about avoiding belly fat. The sugar in those treats can take a toll on your health! Some experts say it impacts blood pressure more than sodium, increases the risk of Alzheimer’s and diabetes, and even speeds up aging. Add in the fat and calories, and it’s a recipe for trouble.

The good news? You can satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your health.

Meet “nice” cream—a creamy, guilt-free dessert loaded with the natural sweetness of berries. Start by blending frozen banana chunks with a medley of frozen berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries. For extra flavor, mix in a dollop of almond butter, a sprinkle of cocoa powder, or a splash of pure vanilla extract. You’ll get all the satisfaction of ice cream with none of the guilt!

For even more simple, delicious, and healthy ideas, check out What Every Senior Should Eat 2!



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