Fight the Rising Cost of Groceries with These Smart Shopping Ideas!



Living on a fixed income doesn’t have to mean hard times when it comes to eating well. The following shopping secrets will have you spending less every time you’re at the grocery store.

  1. Fill up at home. How many times have you found yourself starving at the grocery store and filling up your cart with lots of unnecessary snacks? Before you head to the store, chow down on a healthy snack like whole-grain crackers and hummus. You’ll save money, and even shrink your waistline while you’re at it!
  2. Start with the cart. The bigger the cart, the more likely you are to fill it up. So opt for a smaller cart, or even a basket! This makes it easier to stay focused and buy only what you need.
  3. Say yes to store brands. Store-brand food and drinks are, on average, 25% lower than name-brand products! And here’s a secret … many of the store brand products are made in the same factory as the name brand! It’s the smartest way to save without sacrificing on quality or flavor!
  4. Kiss temptation goodbye. Supermarkets know what they’re doing by lining the checkout lanes with candy bars, soda, chips, and other pricey snacks. Most people ignore them when they’re in the middle of shopping, but it’s almost impossible to ignore them while waiting in the checkout line! Stay strong, and just say no to the temptation.
  5. Cash is king. Use a calculator to keep track of how much everything costs as you add groceries to your basket. This will help prevent overspending. Leave your credit and debit cards at home and pay in cash. You’re more likely to overspend when you’re swiping a card instead of handing over cold hard cash.

Want more money saving secrets like these? Grab a copy of Keep Your Cash, Save Your Social Security, and Live Worry-Free! today!


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