Repurpose Your Thanksgiving Leftovers for a Brain Boosting Meal!



Did you know low levels of vitamin B12 can speed up mental decline, especially as we age? Seniors 65 and older with low B12 levels experienced faster memory loss over 10 years. That’s a big deal, and unfortunately, B12 shortages are pretty common in older adults.

But here’s some good news! Doubling your blood levels of B12 could slow mental decline by nearly a third. To do that, you need about 250 micrograms (mcg) of B12 daily for 16 weeks — a whole lot more than the usual recommendation.

So, what’s an easy way to start? Repurpose your Thanksgiving turkey! A turkey and cheese sandwich can help boost your B12 intake, and adding lettuce and fortified bread gives you a nice dose of folate, another brain-friendly nutrient.

Want more ideas for delicious, B12-rich foods? Check out Your Brain and Body Answer Book for the full scoop!


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